Legs surgery


This technique is not supposed to replace a healthy diet, but aims at shaping the body by removing excess fatty tissues in localised areas.

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Despite intensive physical exercise or an appropriate diet, some body areas, such as the lateral thighs, the inner thighs, or the knees, can retain some fatty deposits that might require surgical treatment.

This technique withdraws the fat from the deepest layers and will therefore not improve the superficial aspect of the skin.

Although liposuction does not get rid of the cellulite, it does significantly improve the body shape.



The mode of anaesthesia can differ according to the extent of the liposuction (local, regional or general). At most, a hospital overnight stay can be necessary. Waterproof dressings are placed onto the different incisions and removed after one week.

A compression garment is mandatory for three weeks to limit the post-operative oedema.

Bruises generally appear within few days but will take three to four weeks to disappear.

The early oedema on the treated areas prevents the appreciation of the final result. Six months will be necessary for the full outcome of the liposuction to become apparent.

Calf implants

Despite an intensive physical activity, some people show a relatively underdeveloped inner side of their calves, sometimes described as “chicken legs”. This unattractive feature can be corrected with the insertion of naturally-shaped implants, resulting in the most discreet effect.

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The atrophic inner gastrocnemius muscle can be corrected with an implant subtly placed within the deep tissue layers by means of an incision concealed in the natural crease behind the knee.

The implant volume and shape will be selected during the pre-operative consultation with your surgeon, depending on your overall body shape.


This type of surgery, performed under general anaesthetic, lasts for one and a half hours and requires an overnight stay.

Moderately-heeled shoes should be worn for approximately ten days.

Physical exercise is not recommended for one month and driving can be challenging for a period of two weeks.

Inner thigh lift surgery

Due to aging or weight loss, the skin of the thigh loses its elasticity with a more noticeable effect on the inner side, which can only be corrected with a surgical approach designed to tighten the skin.

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Due to aging or weight loss, the skin of the thigh loses its elasticity with a more noticeable effect on the inner side, which can only be corrected with a surgical approach designed to tighten the skin.

The main drawback of this technique is the residual scarring in the upper root crease of the inner thigh that might be visible with high leg underwear. As a result, the motivation for this type of surgery will need to be discussed thoroughly with your surgeon.


Performed under general anaesthetic, the surgery lasts for between one and a half and two hours. A two-night hospital stay is required, and walking difficulties will be experienced for three weeks.

Physical exercise is not recommended for one and a half months.