Botox injections

  • The protocol combines :
  • Hyaluronic acid injections (varying density)
  • Nctf cocktail with vitamins and glycerol
  • 18-30% TCA peels

Facial injections treat volume problems (fat loss in the cheekbones, marked naso-labial folds and emerging bitterness folds) but also rejuvenate the upper part of the face thanks to products releasing the tension of the contracting muscles generating the forehead lines, crow’s feet and glabellar lines. Nowadays, stem cells injections are also used to regenerate the skin and therefore reduce the fine lines.

These protocols combine hyaluronic acid injections (varying density), Nctf cocktails with vitamins and glycerol, 18 to 30% TCA peels, and the botulinum toxin.

Aesthetic medicine is a temporary solution designed to achieve a natural result and a healthy glow until a more surgical approach is required few years later.